Tina Gage is an artist currently living in Topanga, CA. She creates abstracted landscape paintings, inspired by weekly hikes in the local mountains. Working with oil on canvas, the process of adding and subtracting paint over time is an integral part of finding the image in the works.

"The starting point for a composition begins with a drawing or photo taken out in nature, but often my initial concept quickly evolves as the process of painting begins. Then intuition and response from one brush stroke/color to the next leads to a construction of an imaginary place that (ideally) seems true to itself. 

The connection between being in nature and painting is that when both are focused, I am in the "place" of truly being in the moment. The progression from one painting to the next becomes in a way its own path, with no shortcuts to a foreseen outcome, but only one foot in front of the other, following the guidance of my intuition.” 

“The principle subject is the surface, which has its color, it’s laws over above those of objects. It’s not a matter of painting life,
it’s a matter of giving life to painting.”
- Pierre Bonnard

[Traveler, your footprints]

By Antonio Machado

Traveler, your footprints

are the only road, nothing else.

Traveler, there is no road;

you make your own path as you walk.

As you walk, you make your own road,

and when you look back

you see the path

you will never travel again.

Traveler, there is no road;

only a ship's wake on the sea.